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We did it??

Lately our little team has been taking full advantage of the quarantine and spending a lot of time on voice. After all, what could be more perfect right now than socialization without risk of infection? (Yay!) Recently, and with four of us on voice, we played a little game I like to call ‘Who can Butcher the Tongue Twister?’. Cherry, our overlord, brought some from French; Chip, our wise wizard translator, offered up some in Japanese and Walpi, our proofer, sprinkled some Welsh on top. I’m pleased to announce each tongue twister was sufficiently ‘butchered’ by everyone in the chat and we all sounded incredibly silly – it was wonderful.

Anyway, after several miserable attempts at being adept in other languages we thought we’d drown our sorrows in scanlation and – curveball – we actually finished a chapter?! Here, for your reading pleasure, is King’s Game Chapter 20 – we really hope you enjoy it! (Maybe if the king had just ordered everyone in class to do impossible tongue twisters, they’d all have died a long time ago facepalm) And hey, why not try out one of our ‘impossible’ Japanese tongue twisters for yourself:

Kono take o kono takegaki ni tatekaketa no wa, take o tatekaketakattakara tatekaketa no desu.

…Yeeeeaah. Good luck, kids.

King's Game ch.20: Read Download

Sniper ch.8: Read Download

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