Well, it's released now... And finished too... You guys didn't give me anything to work with so this piece of dumb chat was taken as your final words for Acaria.
Acaria went from being that generic heroine with cliched reactions and no "real" emotions to becoming something like: "holy shit, is that even the same series???". Even though it was cut short, we're really glad we got to see the story evolve. It went beyond our initial expectations by a long shot.
Similarly, if you go back to our first releases and compare with our last, you might notice leaps and bounds in the quality of our work. Lots of staff has changed throughout the years also. But we keep improving, which is what we aim for :)
We've settled on our next project, Kemono no Souja: https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=37139
There is no release date set yet but Chip (translator) is motivated therefore everyone is motivated! \o/
Well then, that wraps up Acaria! Into the completed project list it goes!
(By the way, this release also includes Sniper. I feel like I have to mention it)
-Cherry and AD staff